This is your annual reminder that there are about 90 days left before June so if you have any fitness or self-image goals that you would like to accomplish by the beginning of summer, NOW is the time to start (if you haven't started already).
I don't do blog posts on fitness very often anymore because I found it hard to keep coming up with new thoughts on the subject but I am just as committed to fitness as ever and I'm still a BeachBody coach (I should go back to putting the links at the bottom of my posts so people don't think I've quit because, you know, Look! Something shiny!). I still field questions on fitness by email and in person and, in fact, I did both this last week. Some questions are specific to BeachBody and some are general fitness questions. I do not consider myself to be an expert but I do know a thing or two and if I don't know the answer, I will go look it up so that I can help someone and so I know the answer for myself.
This week's email question was about recovery drinks following an intense workout. There are lots of them to choose from and BeachBody has the P90X Recovery formula which tastes like an Orange Julius, which I found to be very yummy. However, when it comes to basics, chocolate milk can be used as a recovery drink, oddly enough. It has the 4:1 quick carb to protein ratio that is the current advice for recovery drinks. The P90X recovery drink has that and also has glutamine and creatine, which are both great if you are exercising intensely. You should drink your recovery drink within 45 minutes of exercise. If you are going to put sugar in your diet, this is the time to sneak it in because it can actually help speed up recovery and replace glycogen levels.
My wife started on her goals far earlier than today because her goal date is prior to June. When I told her what the theme of today's post was though, she loved it. She thought it was a great reminder for people because summer tends to sneak up on them. By the time the weather starts turning warmer, a lot of people give up before they start because there doesn't seem like there is enough time to make a change. It snowed here today and it's really easy to forget that summer is on the way. 90 days is enough time to make a huge difference in your body composition or fitness level. P90X has proven that over and over. Check out these before and after photos:
This post was twice as long as what you see here but when I hit save, Typepad logged me out instead of saving and I lost the second half of this post. I don't have the energy to type it all back in at the moment so I'll try to recreate the thoughts tomorrow.
Good night.
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Success Warrior is an Independent BeachBody Coach for, a company that offers fitness programs, supplements, and equipment that have absolutely changed my life.
Have you heard of P90X? That's BeachBody. They also have Insanity, Turbo Jam, TurboFire, RevAbs, Brazil Butt Lift, and many more. They have some of the best exercise programs on the market. These aren't just DVDs but are complete programs to transform your body. They also have the hugely popular, and what they call "the most important meal of the day", Shakeology. Go HERE to learn the most inexpensive way to get Shakeology.
They have equipment and supplements in addition to Shakeology and popular exercise programs. Visit and click on the "Shop" link to see everything they offer.
There is also a business side to all this fitness that you can take advantage of. Whether you're looking to just make a couple hundred extra dollars in fun money or are looking to take complete financial control of your life, BeachBody can help you get there. If you have a desire to be more fit and would love to help other people do the same while making some money at it, visit and click on the "Coach" link. Team up with me and I'll help you reach your goals, in fitness and finance.
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