I thought it might be useful, at least for myself, to create a brief overview of info I've gathered since the hoax began. It didn't turn out to be very brief but it is relatively brief when you consider that I could probably write multiple blog posts on each topic below. I thought that an easy way to get it all down and encourage myself to be brief would be to add info in bullet points by buzzword.
Note, this is a work in progress. More bullets will be added and references will be added for all bullets except the few where I express my opinion.
- The worldwide spread of a new disease (1)
- In May 2009, the WHO removed the requirement that the disease cause "enormous numbers of death and illness" (2)
- Redefining the term was done in preparation for the swine flu hoax that began later that year
- This means that any cold and flu season can be declared as a pandemic if accompanied by a novel coronavirus declaration
- Declaring a pandemic makes rulers believe they have permission to act as dictators, trampling on human rights as they see fit
- An upper respiratory disease that presents with flu symptoms
- Reportedly caused by a virus known as SARS-CoV-2 (pronounced sars coh vee 2 or sars kahv 2)
- There is a 99.97% chance of surviving if you catch COVID-19
- Those odds go up the healthier and younger you are and go down the more comorbidities you have and the old you are
- The average age of people killed around the world by COVID-19 is life expectancy plus two years
- If life expectancy in your county is 80, the average age of people killed by COVID-19 is 82
- A coronavirus whose protein structure has not been identified yet
- Thousands of possible computer generated models exist, one of which might be SARS-CoV-2
- SARS-CoV-2 like all coronaviruses (which also cause colds and flus) are aerosolized viruses
- SARS-CoV-2 is a virus and COVID-19 is a disease caused by the virus in the same way that flus are caused by flu viruses
Koch's Postulates
- A proposed means of identifying a virus comprised of four postulates
- More to come
Covid (applicable to the United States and countries with similar reporting processes)
- A generic term denoting an upper respiratory disease with flu symptoms
- The actual disease may be pneumonia, influenza, or a COVID (COVID-19, COVID-21, etc.)
- Reported pneumonia, influenza, and COVID cases, known as PIC cases are kept as a single stat by the CDC
- PIC cases are then reported as covid cases by unscrupulous government officials and media outlets
- Most PIC cases are influenza except in locations with strict mask mandates, where bacterial pneumonia may be the predominate covid disease
- A clothing accessory or facial fashion piece, made of any material that covers the mouth and nose of the wearer
- Many places accept a plastic shield (aka sneeze guard) affixed to a hat or band
- They have been proven time and again to be statistically insignificant at preventing the spread of aerosolized viruses
- This is easy to see while the weather is cold. If you can see the fog of your breath going through your mask or venting out gaps between the mask and your face, your mask is not stopping you from spreading or preventing you from being infected by an aerosolized virus
- Masks are referred to as "talismans" by health agencies. They don't offer actual protection but act as your lucky rabbit's foot for COVID-19
- Mask wearing causes hypoxia (decreased oxygen intake) and hypercapnia (increased CO2 intake)
- Symptoms of hypoxia are headaches, fatigue, trouble concentrating, and unconsciousness (which is why it's all too obvious that school kids should wear masks)
- Hypoxia reduces immunity, making it more likely to catch a disease and more likely that the effects of the disease will be more serious
- Repeated hypoxia episodes may increase the occurrence of heart attacks and strokes
- Prolonged mask wearing causes bacterial pneumonia, which is why there is nearly always an increase in PIC cases (reported as a new covid outbreak) within 12 weeks of mask mandates
- Bacterial pneumonia is contagious (Isn't that ironic? The people who are wearing the masks are the health threat to society)
- Mask wearing increases the concentration of any airborne disease the wearer may have because they breath in the waste products their body is trying to expel
- Mask wearing causes "mask mouth"
- Mask mouth can cause bad breath, gum disease, and cavities and can lead to heart attacks and strokes
- Masks also have detrimental psychological affects, especially for children (I'll add to this as I research deeper into the topic or receive sourced material from readers)
- There is no such thing
- This is not surprising since the structure of the virus has not been identified yet
- Most people are probably referring to a PCR when they say "COVID test"
- Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a method or process for duplicating viral RNA millions of times making the sample large enough to be studied by researchers
- PCR is not a test
- Saying "PCR Test" is like saying "microscope test". Microscopes make it possible to study incredibly small objects and so do PCRs
- PCR detects all viral RNA, including those left by cold and flu coronaviruses and bacterial infections
- A positive result from a PCR means that some type of viral RNA was found but doesn't determine what left the viral RNA behind
- PCRs were used as a "swine flu test" to create fictitious "cases" to create the illusion of a pandemic
- Because of this, PCRs should never be relied upon as the sole diagnostic tool or be used on asymptomatic people
Cycle Threshold (CT)
- Cycle threshold is a measure of how many times the viral RNA was duplicated in the PCR
- A positive PCR result using CT of 24 or less would show that there is a contagious virus
- The type of virus would not be known without further research, again demonstrating that PCR is not a COVID test
- Any result using a CT of 33 or greater would show dead viral debris
- Using a CT of 45 will result in about 95% false positives
- Typically, labs have been using CTs of 37, 40, 45, and higher but there is talk of bringing them down as of 1/20/2021
- If I were more cynical and didn't have complete faith in my buddy Tony, who plays a doctor on TV, I would say that high CTs were used initially to ensure that nearly everyone who was tested had a positive result giving the illusion that there was a pandemic. And that, now, if the CTs are lowered, the reduced number of cases (due to fewer false positives) will be sold to the uninformed as a double whammy "proving" that experimental COVID therapeutics work and that an incoming president with a poor image is actually a hero. Lucky for me, I know that felonious Fauci would never lie to me. We're all safe with him at the helm. The only way we could be safer is if he was a computer programmer.
- A solution that includes a weakened or dead virus or part of the virus's structure that is introduced into a person's body, usually by injection
- The theory is that this will cause the body to create antibodies to the virus making the person immune to the virus
COVID Vaccine
- There is no such thing
- This is not surprising since the structure of the virus has not been identified yet
- Attempts at creating coronavirus vaccines have been going on for decades but all attempts have ended in disaster
- All previous attempts have created pathogenic priming/antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) in test subjects
- Most people are probably referring to an experimental COVID therapeutic when they say "COVID vaccine"
Antibody-dependent Enhancement (ADE)
- Initially, test subjects appear to create strong antibodies to the virus making it appear that they will be immune
- When exposed to the actual virus though, their bodies take on aspects of an auto immune disease
- This makes the effects of the disease much, much worse often resulting in death
Experimental COVID Therapeutic (ECT)
- ECTs were not designed to give recipients immunity from SARS-CoV-2, which is why they are not vaccines
- ECTs were designed to reduce the flu symptoms in people who contracted COVID-19
- This means they would be better described as experimental cold remedies, maybe experimental preemptive cold remedies
- Currently, you might take something like Nyquil if you get a flu/covid
- If the ECT is effective, your body creates the benefits of Nyquil automatically
- Early tests have shown ECTs to be 19-26% effective at reducing COVID-19 symptoms
- Rather than injecting people with parts of the virus, ECTs use an experimental technique called Messenger RNA (mRNA)
- One result of this combination of experimental technology and ECTs not being vaccines has been the wide variety of names being used to refer to it
- Examples of these names include things like: ECT, experimental genetic modifying injection, experimental RNA "vaccine", and others (I'll add to the list as I come across them)
- Most of these names are so long that ECTs are being referred to more and more as "The Jab"
- Everyone who gets the jab becomes a test subject in the experiment, which is expected to last until at least 2023
- If you are injured by an ECT, you cannot sue the drug company for damages because calling their experimental technology a "vaccine" gives them magic immunity from lawsuits
Messenger RNA (mRNA)
- ECTs use mRNA to tell cells in the body to create part of a coronavirus spike protein
- Then the body is supposed to create the antibodies to fight the virus that was created
- Having the body act as the attacker and defender sounds like auto immune disease
- Many adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are associated with the jab and this new technology
Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR)
- Cellulitis
- Encephalitis
- Bell's Palsy
- Anaphylaxis resulting in death if not treat soon enough
- and more
- Take off the effing mask, breathe in oxygen, and expel CO2, toxins, and waste products
- Exercise
- Get out in the sun or supplement with vitamin D
- Consider supplementing with quercetin and zinc
- Have meaningful and joyful in-person interactions with people that make you smile and laugh
If you have suggestions for bullet points or have good references (fact checkers need not apply) for existing bullet points, please leave them in the comments.