I was close to first place for most of this tournament. Going into the last two baskets, I was only one behind the leader. Knowing that I needed to make up that one stroke in the next two holes, I decided to push things a bit and I blew it. On both holes.
Pressure mounts and you choke.
And to think, your nickname used to be Iceman. It's the way he flies, ice cold, no mistakes...yada, yada, yada.
I know, right?
On the second to the last hole, I needed to get a bit of extra distance on my initial drive to make my upshot easier. If I could get close to the basket on my second shot, I had a chance of gaining a stroke or at the very least, putting a bit of extra pressure on the leader. I did throw my drive farther this time than I did in the first round.
Wait for it...
Out of bounds.
There it is.
I turned the disc over a little too much or didn't compensate for the turnover by aiming farther to the left where they was a bailout area so massive that you literally couldn't miss it. That is, you would not be able to throw your disc so far to the left that it went out of bounds. You could only accomplish that by throwing it to the right, which I proved. The leader threw his second shot out of bounds because the fairway pinched tight near the basket. This kept me one behind going into the last hole.
Dun, dun, dunnnn!
Or, as OBT does it: a doo run, run, run!
On the last hole, I decided to try an outside route to a guarded basket. If I pulled it off, it would put me quite a bit closer than the route my competitors were taking. Once again, I turned the disc over and it went out of bounds to the right. Once again, if I would have not turned it over so much or compensated by aiming more to the left or using a more stable disc, I would have stayed in bounds and forced a sudden death play off to determine the winner. If wisdom is gained by doing things wrong and learning from the mistakes, I left this tournament a wiser person. Ironically, I lost this disc into a pond in a later tournament because it didn't turn over enough (prompting another trip to Infinite Discs - like I need any excuses for that).
I ended up tied for 2nd in Advanced Grandmaster (MA50 now that we're in 2018).