As this election is drawing to an end...
Thank gawd!
It really has cut down on the number of cute puppy videos on Facebook, hasn't it?
I can't really say that I've missed you guys not letting me complete...
That hurts.
You cut me deep, Shrek.
Can I share my thought on the election now?
Can we vote on it?
That does seem appropriate given the stated topic, although I have yet to see any evidence of the topic actually being covered.
This blog ain't no democracy. This is the blog of Success Warrior. I'm the president, I'm the emperor, I'm the king. I'm Michael Jackson, you're Tito and uh, Jermaine.
Kind of pushing the envelope on movie quote rules there.
I'm starting to get the feeling that I've kept these guys pent up in my brain for far too long. Maybe a weekly furlough would be good for them, and by extension, for me. Now, I've forgotten where I was.
My gawd man, focus!
Right, the election, if that's what you want to call it. I really haven't followed it but there's been no escaping all the posts on Facebook.
As if.
How do expect these people to take you seriously when they all know you don't Facebook?
I've been trying to be better about it lately but this election has made it more difficult but is also the reason behind this post. When Trump and Hillary...
I think that sort of thing is supposed to be used for couples, not rivals.
You're probably right but I'm going to use it because it fits perfectly with the theme of this post.
Disjointed, multiple-personality, unhinged conversations?
'Zactly. When Trillary started showing up in mass on Facebook, my thought was that this election wasn't between real people. These two are caricatures of people. I don't know if it's because we're in the age of the Kardashians, Miley Cyrus, and completely unbelievable "reality TV" that gave Goldman Sachs et al the idea of putting these two forward for this election's false dichotomy or if it came about for some other reason. Whatever the reason, probably based on expensive and extensive psychological and sociological studies, what voters ended up with is a choice between outrageous characters in the political reality TV show. The super villain vs. the super clown.
Hillary is a special brand of evil who should be isolated from people for reasons of safety. She's a bat fuck crazy career criminal that even has an evil cackle when talking about killing people.
Rather than put her in a padded cell, people want to put her finger on the button. Trump, I don't know that much about. I can say that the picture of him as a statesman is the epitome of caricature. Political cartoonist don't have to exaggerate any features to make him look comical in that role. His quotes are truly meme worthy, not in a good way. Even though he doesn't have 30 to 40 years of documented criminal activity being flounced about, the puppeteers don't select nominees based on outstanding moral character. Quite the opposite, as having Hillary as a candidate completely and fully attests.
I had considered writing up a post on this observation months ago but waved the idea away. Partly out of the inertia of not blogging for so long but mostly because it's the same thing as criticizing any other reality show. Everyone knows it's not real so there's really not much point in writing up a blog post pointing out that it's not real.
But you ended up doing it anyway.
Incorporating comments from people who are not real.
Well, yes, but let me explain.
Like you can.
I can't wait to hear the explanation for comments from imaginary people.
Let me explain why I wrote this post, I can't explain comments from you guys.
The reason I didn't post about this months ago is because everyone knows it's not real. Except...
Facebook just kept heating up with people arguing nonsense from both sides trying to show how the one candidate was worse than the other. It's rare to see any comments about actual issues or which candidate is better. Admittedly, given the choices, you can't blame people for not trying to argue for which one is better. Would Penguin or Joker be a better president? But, that's the point. I'm amazed how copiously and fervently some people are arguing on behalf of their caricature. This election is completely nonsensical and yet people are giving themselves high blood pressure arguing about which TV character is going to be a better president. All elections are nonsensical when you look at who ends up being presidential advisers and see where the decisions are really made. This one, though, has gone above and beyond by just putting it out in the open. It matters so little who is president that super villains and super clowns are viable candidates and it's far more entertaining for those that watch than having outwardly appearing serious and law abiding candidates face off against each other.
They should wear costumes.
To get people more interested, they could have a costume designing contest.
That could happen in next election. Or maybe, they'll put all of the initial candidates on an island, give them contests and challenges to compete in, and each week the public can vote someone off the island. The last person on the island gets to be the president.