Today's "They Really Said That?" is brought to you by the Great and Powerful Oz who was asked about his promise to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term and he said . . .
Well here, watch it for yourself:
What I am learning about having a valuable discussion about ideas is that there must be a clear understanding of the words that are being used. There has to be a general consensus to the definitions of the words being used.
Case in point, Obama says that "everybody" underestimated how bad the economy was when he took office and that's why he has broken yet another promise. Let's take a closer look at who "everybody" is, shall we?
It doesn't include:
- Me and my readers
- Peter Schiff
- Ron Paul
- Gerald Celente
- Anyone who can read above an 8th grade level
- Ah hell, this list could go on forever, let's just list who "everybody" is
"Everybody", used in this context by Obama, means "Everybody who believed Obama." Everyone else either wasn't paying attention or knew the truth.
By the way, if you go looking for this video on YouTube, don't cut it short and search for "Obama Failed Promise" because you'll have to scroll through too many videos to count.