Prop H8 was overturned by a vote of 2 against 1 because apparently one circuit court Justice has no freaking idea of what justice is. The abomination called the "Prop 8 camp" in the article I read will appeal the decision because Jeezus is a homophobe, apparently, and much less loving and tolerant than we were lead to believe. If a law is going to be passed, that law should be that anyone who openly endorses Prop 8 should be sterilized to keep them from passing on their hateful retardedness to the next generation.
No doubt, the Mormon church will be pumping money into the vile persecution again. For a people who love to play the "We were so picked on" tune, they sure know how to dish it out, don't they? Typical of religion and government, it's suddenly okay when you're the one kicking the shit out of people. Then gawd is on your side but if someone does something to you, they're evil. And, in this case, no one is doing anything to them. They oppose gay marriage out of sheer malevolence. They can't hate black people anymore (at least openly) but they are still allowed to oppress gay people and by gawd, they're gonna. There ain't no queers on Kolob and they sure as hell aren't going to let fags breed on this here planet. Pretty soon the whole planet will be overrun with 'em.
Mittler the Mormon has spoken in true politician fashion on the subject:
"(1) Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney released a statement saying the "fight" over states' rights to ban gay marriage is not over. (2) "Today, unelected judges cast aside the will of the people of California who voted to protect traditional marriage," he said, adding that he would appoint judges who oppose same-sex marriage if he's elected. (3)President Obama also opposes same-sex marriage, but says that his opinion on the issue is "evolving."" (Numbers added by me)
1. States do not have rights, Mitt you complete a-hole. People have rights until bastards like you take those rights away. If anyone should be restrained in their actions, it's you because with statements like this, it's obvious that you should be banned from even thinking about running for president.
2. See? Here it is. Damn unelected judges are going against what Mitt wanst and that means that they are all going to hell because going against what Mitt wants is a sin. However, if elected (please tell me there aren't enough homophobic, mysoginistic, right-wing, fundamental loonies in the country to let it happen), Mitt is going to put in his own unelected judges to impose his will upon the people. At that point, magically, it will be okay for the judges to be unelected and go against the will of the people.
3. Jeezus Obama, get off the fucking fence! Even Democrats are sick to death of you straddling the line. Stand up for something you spineless piece of shit.
Today was a victory and I hope that it doesn't get undone on appeal. I have no faith in the system over the long run but maybe, just maybe, there will be this one point of shining light that we can hold onto.