Occupy Wall Street never stopped and is picking up steam again as we head into spring. The group that will be occupying DC may be adopting a new name, National Occupation of Washington DC or NOW DC. I believe there is supposed to be some big kick off event at the end of March.
Here's a weird coincidence in timing. Guess what's about to become a new law? Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011.
Well that sounds like a good cause.
Just remember that laws are named opposite of their intention**.
This law to improve buildings and grounds doesn't do anything at all to improve buildings and grounds in the way that the 99% would think of as an improvement. If you are one of the puppets for the 1% though, this is going to be a vast improvement. Here's what the law will do after President FuckTheConstitution signs it:
You will no longer be allowed to protest in proximity to anyone who is being guarded by the SS.
This obviously applies to the White House . . .
. . . but wait, there's more.
Act now. Callers are standing by.
It applies to anyone that has Secret Service protection and applies to temporary sites of that person. Obviously, no more mic checks at one of the Great and Powerful Oz's "I'm so full of shit" speeches but maybe not so obviously:
- Mittler Romney has had SS protection for some time now - no more glitter bombs
- Rick inSanitorum has recently started getting SS protection
- Foreign dignitaries are routinely guarded by the SS
- The G8 Summit in Chicago - fogedaboudit
- The Republican National Convention - the Ron Paul Revolution will be federally charged
- Even the Superbowl is guarded by the SS
After NDAA, striking down the First Amendment isn't shocking and it's actually quite a tribute to how effective Occupy Wall Street has been. This is a sign of fear from the puppets. They want to sit in their big white domed buildings pissing on the 99% and they don't want to hear any complaining about it. They don't want people confronting them with their lies and corruption. They want people to play within the ever-increading rules of the system that they control because they know that anyone dumb enough to try to change the system from within the system is easy to control and anyone daring enough to challenge the system is a threat.
Sit down and shut up!
You should run for Congress.
I'm sure that Obama will regretfully sign the bill into law and maybe even jot down a signing statement saying that he doesn't think that this bill is right but he's really got no choice in the matter. After all, the people voted for these lawmakers who are acting as representatives of the people and the vote was 388 for and only 3 against so it is the will of the people that they not be allowed to voice their displeasure with their representatives. And even if Obama wanted to veto this and I'm sure that he does because he cares so deeply about the American people and he is well versed in Constitutional Law, the cult member apologists will surely point out that with a vote of 388 to 3, any veto from the well-meaning puppet-in-chief would just get over-ridden anyway. And so, sadly and with a heavy heart, Goldman Sachs' MVP will sign this into law and continue on his path to destroy any trace of freedom in the United States of America.
We're going to have to change the national anthem about "land of the free".
You're an idiot! They'll pass a law making it mandatory that everyone sing it.
And smile.
** Update: I ran across a video today that fits perfectly with the statement made by one of the voices in my head. The topic of the video is what the GOP primary actually looks like compared to what is being reported in the news. It's the last quote from Ron Paul that fits today's post:
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