Ron Paul won Iowa but prior to the caucus the RNC had vowed that no matter what, Ron Paul was not going to win and true to their word, Ron Paul magically lost.
Cheating is "magic".
Yes. Just ask the lamestream media.
I'm not a big fan of the saying, "It's not fair," but if a Ron Paul supporter wants to say it, I'd let it slide. I've been there. I feel for ya. You put in so much effort. You were able to finally overpower the media blackout. When they jumped in with their massive smear campaign, you fought on and beat that as well. Unbelievably impressive. You had people at the caucus sites taking photos because you knew they were still going to cheat the system. It seems like you have done everything in your power to let the voice of the people speak. Unfortunately, that's not how elections work.
All's fair in love and war.
And the 1% loves war.
Next up is New Hampshire where everyone is scrambling around trying to figure out how to make this one cheat proof. I know that getting into this, and even now, you are full of hope. Ron Paul is consistant in his message and actions in a way that is almost boring. When he says that he'll bring the troops home, he means it unlike someone else who said that and started twice as many wars as His predecessor and is working on somehow starting World War III. There is a reason why Ron Paul gets more financial support from the military than all other candidate put together, including the great and powerful Oz. Ron Paul would hold the government within the bounds of the Constitution unlike the current guy who is using the Constitution to light fat Cubans for the 1%.
He means cigars right?
Maybe. This term's axis of evil is Venezuela, Iran, and Cuba.
Do the presidential writers just use Mad Libs for speeches?
"Name three countries."
I truly understand the immense level of hope that you feel, I really do. I also know that it feels real good to be doing something. I sooo get that. I also know that there isn't a chance in hell that the 1% are going to give Ron Paul access to the bully pulpit. Each caucus and primary is going to be tampered with or just outright stolen in the light of day like the Nevada caucus of the 2008 presidential election. Not only would it be disastrous for the 1% if Ron Paul gained access to the presidential bully pulpit (after all, he knows more about economics than the great and powerful Oz knows about corrupt Chicago-style politics, and that's saying something!) but they can't even let him square off against Oz in debates. Ron Paul is too honest and too direct to be allowed to go head-to-head with Obama without a teleprompter. He can't be president obviously but he can't even be allowed to win the Republican primary.
I'm going to watch you guys with great interest but I know what the end result is going to be. It's still fun to see you shake things up and make the media and the elite squirm.
One thing that also hasn't escaped my notice is how courageous Ron Paul is.
If all the campaign rigging and shenanigans fail, he will be assassinated or have some fatal "accident". The fact that he knows this and that he continues on is admirable. It's easy to see where you would draw inspiration from this man.
I wish you loads of luck.