Blogging has dropped down the priority list and while I can't say that I'm going to elevate it back up, I can say that I miss it and will be putting in some time here on a more regular basis. Family, school, and fitness take up the large chunks of time but I think there just may be some time in there somewhere to throw out bits of randomness.
Speaking of random . . .
Please keep your hands and legs inside the ADHD roller coaster at all times.
And enjoy the ride.
The Great and Powerful Oz hired a new chief-of-staff. Guess where the guy worked before landing a job with the 1 percent's mouthpiece? You'll never guess. Never ever. Well, maybe if I gave you two guesses, you would get it. Since it seems like most Obama's top advisors come from Goldman Sucks, that would probably be the first guess and you would be wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong.
The Global Nuclear Disarmament Fund?*
Dude is going to need a lot more guesses.
Jacob Lew was a vice chairman of JP Morgan.
I can honestly say that I am shocked. Shocked I tell you!
Shocked that President 1% hired another Wall Street racketeer?
No, not that. I was going to add something snarky and a cult member tazed me.
That's not shocking.
Speaking of President 1%, Chris Hedges gave a guess as to why Obama would pass his "Look, I'm a third world tyrant" law that allows him to use the military against Americans and make them disappear without anything resembling due process or the Constitution:
"And I suspect it passed because the corporations, seeing the unrest in the
streets, knowing that things are about to get much worse, worrying that the
Occupy movement will expand, do not trust the police to protect them. They want
to be able to call in the Army. And now they can."
Obama has managed to do something that not even Bush could do in Cheney's wet dreams.
Here's something I've heard in a couple of different places. The United States government created over 40,000 laws in 2011.
Jeezus! I think it's illegal to be alive now.
If you're a tax payer, it's probably illegal to die.
Remember, ignorance of the law is no excuse.
Anyway, back to the topic at hand . . .
Please remain seated until the ride comes to a complete stop.
And enjoy the rest of your blogging experience here at the SW blog.
Blogging may have to be a post-exercise cool down experience where I share bits and pieces of the latest things that I have read. It will have to do for the moment.
*One of the key people at the Global Nuclear Disarmament Fund was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize the year that President "Let's see how many countries I can attack in four years" won the prize because He was able to read about peace from a teleprompter.