I had this thought occur to me . . .
A single thought. The pinnacle achieved.
It's all downhill from here.
. . . while rummaging around for pictures for this blog. It's time to expand my horizons a bit because I run across the weirdest things. Some are funny and some are, well, kind of frightening. It seemed like such a waste not to be able to use them because of some self-made pigeon hole.
Starting today, I'm going to start throwing out some of these alternative pics, usually on Tuesdays and Wednesdays but the frequency will depend on having the right pictures cross my path. Titular Tuesdays . . .
Heh, heh, he said tit-youler.
Shudup Beavis before I kick your ass!
. . . will be reader participation day. I will post a picture and you, my witty and intelligent readers, will post caption ideas. I'm sure I'll join in on the fun.
Me too!
I'll pass.
White Trash Wednesdays will be for those pictures that attempt to defy words except for things like OMG! or WTF? I say "attempt" because I run with word-masters so I'm sure that you'll have something to say.
Get it?
Got it!
Now, I've got to get going since I stayed at work for an extra hour (which is totally messed up because I went in an hour early and I still didn't get everything done that I wanted).
Here's today's pic. What's the caption?