My copy of The Primal Blueprint Cookbook by Mark Sisson arrived today and I've had a quick scan through it. Very quick so I don't even have too many first impressions for you but I can say that the Universe is great at answering queries.
My wife and I were talking this morning because she wants to incorporate breakfast into her plan but she doesn't have time to make or eat breakfast before leaving for work. I asked her if she wanted me to cook something for her that she could take to work. I usually have time to cook (not tomorrow - dangit!) so I figured that I could make something while I'm cooking up my eggs and then she could take it with her.
So, I'm glancing through the Primal cookbook, looking at the pictures mostly (but I bought it for the articles, I promise) and I see something that catches my eye. It's not anything new at all but something that might fit the bill exactly. Omelets cooked in muffin tins with the muffin wrapper and everything. How cool is that! She can tell me what she wants in her omelet, I can make it, and she can take it with her and eat it easily without the need for any utensils. I have to run the idea by her but how can you not like that idea? Make up a batch, throw 'em in the fridge, and nuke 'em for a quick bite to eat.
Have you ever worked your ass glutes so hard that it hurts to sit down? Crikey!
And my calves still haven't healed. It feels like someone kicked them, like they are bruised. Now, normally, this is a distinct possibility because of karate class but last week, I was strictly on the teaching end of the hitting and kicking. This week, I'm going to be on the receiving end a bit as I jump in with everyone else except my #1 student. #1 went to do a take-down last week and missed the grab and broke his thumb. All the violence that we share in my class and he breaks his own damn thumb.
Tomorrow, I have physical therapy but can I just say that I am feeling much better and I have a new BFF. Of all the painful and expensive procedures that I have had, do you know what has worked the best?
A tennis ball.
Can you believe that? My therapist told me to go buy a tennis ball (you actually have to buy 3 tennis balls much to Trey's delight with the bonus 2 and now my neighbors delight since those extra 2 balls have now been whacked over the back fence into the neighbor's yard - you're welcome neighbor) and you place said tennis ball on the ground.
Okay, I was going to insert more parenthesis but my wandering thoughts get long enough that I'm going to give this tangential thought it's own paragraph. My physical therapist did not say to put the ball on the ground. She said to put it in this sock thingy so that I could hold the ball in place by holding opposite ends of the socky thingy and lean up against the wall. I suck at following instructions.
Anyway, you I place the tennis ball on the ground and then I lay on it. You move around until you feel the ball on a knot or tender spot and then you stop moving and apply gentle pressure on it for a while. "A while" being subjective and based on how long it takes before you feel like the knot has released.
Last night, I'm doing this drill and on about the third spot, I feel a release like a soap bubble popping. Completely non-violent but not the melting away that you might associate with a knot working its way out. It was there and then it was gone. And man! Everything else seemed to feel better too. I may have even had a vision or something. There was a ray of light, angelic singing, and some hot chick holding a plate with a medium rare rib-eye on it. Is heaven like Hooters?
This isn't to say that all the other stuff hasn't helped or done it's part or set this possibility up but last night is the best that my back has felt in 5 months. The ball and I have a date tonight because I know that, at least for me, that was not a one night stand.
I mentioned this in the early edition of this blog this morning but it's worth repeating again. I was goofing off between sets while Drill Sergeant was out puking (I keed Chili, I keed - this time anyway, she was just getting some fresh air) and messing around with some of the medicine balls and found a killer ab exercise that requires no motion at all. It's a plank variation where you aren't moving but oh my gawd are your ab muscles twitchin' and pingin' off trying to keep you from bouncing your face off the mat (and thank goodness I have mats because I failed a few times).
My abs still aren't quite healed up from last week's "goof off" but I think they will be healed up enough tonight to at least demonstrate both exercises, briefly. Tomorrow is ab day too. Last Friday, I sneezed and thought I was going to cry. You too can have that wonderful feeling if you do these exercises. I'm talking about working the abs like most people haven't worked them. You will need a box (you have your box by now right - Come on! You're a SW Blog reader, you haveto have a box) and a couple of medicine balls. The box adds a whole 'nuther dimension to working out, quite literally.
I won't require you to get VFFs but I'm loving working out in mine. One of the students is going to go get some now. She likes to work out barefoot but likes the idea of having the traction on her feet. My Bikilas have great traction. I can dig in on downward dog like nobody's bidness. And run trails. And climb rocks.
I think I'll be doing some more climbing on Thursday. What I have eyed up is probably too step for Bailey so she may have to stay behind this time. She's going to be bummed but I'll try to plan a more dog friendly activity the following day or next week.
Stay tuned.
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