At least as far as this blog goes. Not that I'm going to take a break from fitness, just from today's video because it's not done yet. Man-oh-man, the workouts I've devised this month have just been tough. Yesterday's leg workout had me on the verge of puking. Today's chest and abs workout wasn't that bad but only barely.
I finished a set of the toughest push-ups I've ever done and I just laid there with my head straight down on the mat, unable and unwilling to even try to move. I haven't done a video on these push-ups yet but I will, I promise. Hardest push-ups I have ever done. A little something that I came up with to make up for the fact that I don't do bench presses right now. I had to find a way to make push-ups as hard as lifting hundreds of pounds on a bench. I have succeeded and I will share that with you in the future.
Speaking of videos to come, I did a new version of the knees to feet jumps today. I was just messing around and I thought of something that would make them just a tad more difficult. If you thought they were hard before, wait until you see what I am doing now in my class. Crazy stuff.
Tonight, I have to find time to edit and upload a bunch more karate videos. I try to create three a week. It's going to be four this week and I usually have them up by now but I'm still a half a beat off on my schedule. I'll be trying to get all of those done tonight if possible. Editing them is easy enough because I don't do a whole lot of work on them but the uploading takes time. They have been getting more interest though. In fact, today someone texted me asking me how to find my videos. I don't know who it was that texted me but I told them how to find my videos. If anyone else is wondering, it's pretty easy, just like everything else online for me. Just go to YouTube and search for successwarrior and you'll find me.
I have a bunch of students that I need to thank for getting in front of the camera and letting me hit them, sometimes a bit hard. I'm not going to mention their names here in case they don't want to be that famous but I want to make sure that they know how much I appreciate them helping me.
The whole reason for the martial arts videos is to show some of my former students what I'm currently teaching. I have a bunch of black belt students where I lived before moving out here and our system is different enough that they would probably be somewhat at a loss if they went to another school. Not that they couldn't figure it out but a lot of schools out there are very traditional and sometimes what they do doesn't really make sense in today's world. I'm not going to knock any of them but I'll just say that each school has it's purpose. Some maintain tradition, some are spiritual, some are sports, and the sole purpose of what I teach is to win street fights. It's not pretty. You won't become one with the Universe. You aren't going to learn any rules for fighting other than the three that I was taught:
- If he can't see, he can't fight.
- If he can't breathe, he can't fight.
- If he can't stand, he can't fight.
- Take away at least one, try for two, and go for all three when you can.
My system attacks the eyes, ribs, and knees . . . a lot, plus a good share of strikes to the neck and groin because those can affect multiple goals.
On to the next subject, local politics and I want your opinion.
I'm running for re-election for the City Council of my city, West Wendover Nevada. It's going to be a very important election this year and I'll explain more about that later but here's my question: Should I start a blog that tells what's happening in local politics?
On the plus side, I would be able to get my version of what's going on out to the public. We have two local papers and one of them is very much anti-me. The other paper is much more neutral. The Internets allows everyone to have a voice so I'm considering having a blog where the subject material is the inside story of the local political scene.
On the con side of that are two things.
First, most of the readers of this blog are probably not local. I'm getting hits from around the world so I would have to create a new readership. It's something that would be possible and is much less troubling than the second point.
I'm not politically correct. I just call it like I see it. Is that something that's going to backfire on me. Can you be honest and frank in an election or am I better off just keeping my mouth shut? I don't necessarily want to get into mudslinging but I can tell that there are some not good things very possible for this city depending on who wins the election. Should I just come right out and say it?
What are your thoughts? Would any of my fitness readers be interested in hearing about the local politics?
Regardless of your answers, I would appreciate a show of support by having everyone join the Facebook group that I created for my campaign. (Let me know if that link doesn't work - I'm not sure if it's correct)
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