Last week, we talked about sounds that you surround yourself with for different activities. Today, let's hear about your visual surroundings.
What do you have in the way of sights around you that inspire or help you to achieve your goals?
Oddly enough, I have very little in this category.
We do have our calendar which shows how many times each of us has worked out. We have been keeping track since the first week of this month. The calendar is in the kitchen area where we see it many times a day.
My new weight room is a visual reminder as is my P90X pull up bar that hangs out in the hallway when it's set up. It's almost always set up.
The way that we have our furniture arranged in the living room is a visual reminder that it's an exercise area.
I suppose that watching the exercise DVDs would have to count as visual inspiration.
I set my exercise clothes out the night before so that when I wake up, there they are. Can't miss them.
Okay, so maybe there's more going on here than I had originally thought.
What about you?
5 Sword Points.