Mark, the Beer Dart Champion, is the latest Sword Point Saturday winner and can pick up to $80 of Success Warrior gear (remember, does not include my wife) as the prize.
Mark's score has been reset to zero and the game continues with a change to encourage people who only participate once in a while. The game will end at 100 points from now on. The winner will have their score reset to zero. Everyone else will have their score reduced to a third of their ending score.
This will keep everyone in the game and still reward the people who tried but didn't win.
I am sorry to disappoint many of you but the real winner is me.
First, I already have a Success Warrior shirt and mine *does* come with a hot blonde included.
Second, I have probably learned more about money from this blog than each of you. It's been quite an eye opening experience that started with me focused just on our personal debt and moving out to the larger picture of national economics.
So, I would like to thank all of you for stopping by and reading this blog and thank everyone that plays the game. It really keeps me motivated to keep on learning.
Congratulations to Mark and a sincere "thank you" to everyone.