Let's get back to Sword Point Saturday's, shall we?
I had my groove thrown off and sometimes it's hard for me to readjust for some reason. Add to that natural tendency the fact that I type my posts the day before they are released now and you have a recipe for confusion for my brain.
I was used to writing Sword Point Saturday posts on, well you know, Saturday. The last couple of Saturdays, I've gone to type a post and then realized that it would be released on Sunday. I should have written a note to myself.
I got it right this time and have two questions for all of you.
No points for the first question: Why have all of you allowed me to misspell "seize" for the last couple of weeks? Come on folks, I can take some constructive criticism. Don't tell me that I have a spell checker, that's for people that can't spel.
5 Points for answering the second question: If I were to actually listen to your requests, what one post would you like me to write next week? I'm in the mood to write and I might even humor you by writing about what you want. Leave your request in the comment section (money in my PayPal account will increase the likelihood of your request being honored).