It's a process of course and I'm not sure at what point you say that you have changed how you think. The transformation is ongoing. My wife and I are still learning about money and will continue to change how we think about it. Some of the things we do are designed in a great part to do just that. There are milestones though that you pick out and last night was one of those.
I was listening watching the crowd last night as we were waiting for the concert to start. Some coworkers were nearby talking about buying a car. One of them is going to buy a brand new H3 this year. I wasn't really paying too much attention but I heard that the payments would be spread over 72 months.
Inside, I just cringed. 72 months. That's a big promise. Many people don't even keep their cars for 6 years. This guy might. I don't know. It doesn't matter.
A year ago, I wouldn't have even thought twice about this. Car payments are just a part of life. 6 and 7 year loans for cars are becoming more common. There is nothing out of the ordinary about this. Now, just the thought without really thinking it through just makes me want to yell out, "Don't do it!"
This morning, in giving it more thought, I can't help but think about the situation my wife and I are building. We should have everything in our lives, including the house, paid off in 45 months. At that point, saving up for a vehicle will be easy and I'll pay cash for every car I buy for the rest of my life.
Being on this program really changes how you think. And that's a good thing.
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