My wife and I work opposite shifts. She works day shift and I work swing shift, which is often more of a late swing shift. Many days, she's up at oh-500 hours.
"What's the 'oh' stand for? Oh my god,it's early!" - Good Morning, Vietnam.
I'm usually not home until sometime after midnight and may not get to be until around 3am.
We have decided to do this so that we are the ones raising our son. I hope he appreciates it but I think he takes it for granted. You know how 3 year olds are about things like that.
I used to be a morning person but that has changed since I started working in casinos. Now I'm of the opinion that mornings should be banned. Let's move straight into lunch and start the day there. Trey doesn't allow that to happen. He still believes in mornings. 3 year olds are so self important.
I sleep until the last second possible and nothing wakes me up until Trey comes in and yells, "Wake up Dad!" before jumping from the top rope with a flying elbow shot to my bizness. It's always amazing that no matter how many blankets are on me or what position I'm laying in, he's dead on with his aim. It's good training though. Now he yells, "Wake up Dad!" and both my hands dart down protectively and I roll over and up to sitting. How do you like that? Dad has been trained.
Before that moment, I don't hear anything or at least I didn't until a couple of weeks ago.
My wife sets an alarm which I don't hear in the least. She gets up and gets ready to go to a friend's house for some early morning exercise. She disarms the alarm system which has a loud woman's voice letting the world know, "Alarm disarmed!" My neighbors know the alarm has been turned off but I'm completely oblivious. The door opens and closes when she leaves and when she comes back. Does she set the alarm when she leaves and disarm it when she gets back? I have absolutely no idea. I don't even know she's gone. She gets in the shower which she claims is so loud that she can't sleep when I get in late at night. It's white noise to me.
I've been in bed for probably 4 or 5 hours and the house could probably be moved to Oz without me knowing. "Well that explains the weird dream of the lady flying on the bicycle." My wife is a very light sleeper and it just amazes her at what I'm able to sleep through. She gets annoyed when I'm typing late at night in the office because she says the sound keeps her awake in the bedroom. What the . . . ? She could probably bang the keyboard on the desk repeatedly before any sound from the office reached my brain in the bedroom. At that time in the morning, I'm not just asleep but it's more like being unconscious.
Then she slides her underwear drawer open.
Bam! My eyes pop open to see her standing there naked.
If a person is going to get up in the morning, that's the way to do it.
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