Mrs. Chili sent these to me about a month ago and I'm finally getting around to answering them. The questions were part of an interview type meme where you are asked five questions and then you ask five questions of someone else. I won't be continuing on by asking people five questions since it took me long enough just to answer these.
1. I'm a teacher, and I'm constantly amazed by some of the dumbass crap my students pull on a regular basis. YOU were a policeman, and I can only IMAGINE that you've seen FAR more dumbassery than I. Tell us a story that you wouldn't have believed yourself if you hadn't actually experienced it.
It's three in the morning and this guy decides that he wants to get a little some-some from his girlfriend. For some reason, she decides "not tonight." I would say that it was because he was crazy but she had probably put out for him before so maybe this night she had a headache. Anyway, they get into an argument about it and he ends up punching her in the nose. That's not good enough though to really show his outrage at not getting laid. He comes up with a new plan to really show her. He grabs a butcher knife and slices his own throat. She runs next door to call for help. He lived (in fact, he fought us the whole way), went to a couple of hospitals, and then on the run. I ended up putting out a warrant for his arrest for the DV.
2. You are very focused on your physical health and well being. What do you do to keep your SPIRIT healthy?
Hmmmm. Good question in that I don't give it much thought. One thing that I do is take care of my body (at least most of the time). It's a great place to start, the body being a temple and all. Most people desecrate their temples with garbage. In Aikido, there is a saying that the mind and body are one. What you do to one has an impact on the other. I take that thinking one step further by saying that the mind, body, heart, and spirit are one. Heart in this case meaning more along the lines of courage and standing up for what's right. Love would fall under the spirit header.
I'm meandering in a direction that could last several posts so let me see if I can drum up a short answer.
I watch my son and marvel at the miracle that he is. I do kind things for my wife to let her know how much she means to me. I pet the dog more than anyone else even though I was the "no" vote on getting him. I lay in corpse pose after every workout and just revel in the joy of feeling so alive and vibrant. I listen to the Universe. I watch the desert at sunrise, sunset, and every time in between when I can. Sometime I just stand and face the sun and just be, for a few moment. Just stand and feel the warmth, close my eyes and still see the light.
Lately, it seems that I have too much going on to take proper care of my spirit but I also believe that if you do your best to do what's right and, in my case, take care of your family, your spirit will never be long forgotten.
3. Even though you're very focused on your physical health and well being, I suspect that even YOU fall off the proverbial wagon once in a while. What's your junk-food / lazy-ass / totally-bad-for-you weakness?
Pizza. I eat it (too much of it) every month or two when I just have to have it. Usually it's because I'm feeling completely wiped out mentally. Pizza is a break on all fronts.
4. I gather that your current line of work allows you to see a lot of celebrities and / or entertainers. Who's worth their hype, and who needs to go back into obscurity - and why?
I actually try not to meet them anymore. Some are very nice people but a lot of them aren't. I'd rather not know. Some super nice ones that I have met: Jay Leno, Trace Adkins, Wynonna Judd, Neil Giraldo, and Don Rickles. A couple of the ones that I have tried not to meet based on how they treated others: Terri Clark and Bill Cosby. I ended up meeting Terri Clark despite not trying and she was rude to me as well. She was much nicer after drinking a few bottles of wine, which we provided for free, and then puked all over the limo on the way to the airport and didn't bother to tip the limo driver for the extra trouble. She's coming back this year. Yay!
5. You're the dad of two "generations" of kids - you've got both older daughters and a little boy. What is your greatest strength as a father, and what about your older kids makes you most proud of the job you've done?
That's another tough question. With my ex and her family, the deck has been extremely stacked against me. They have done everything possible to make sure that I don't have a good relationship with my daughters and so far, they have won that battle. I suppose the thing that I'm most proud about is that I keep trying and I still have hope that they will eventually outgrow the brainwashing. Every kindness that I show them gets a new translation tied to it and thrown back at me but I have faith that in the end, they will see that it is possible to love someone and be kind with no other motive.
That experience has played an important role in how Tia and I approached our marriage so that Trey never has to go through anything even remotely as traumatic or harsh as my daughters did.
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