On August 6th, 1945, the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. It was an act of violence that changed the world and the way people thought from that point on. 48 years later to the day, I was involved in an act of violence on a much smaller scale that nevertheless changed me and the way I thought from that point on.
Nothing happened.
Okay, something happened but what Hollywood had taught me was going to happen, didn't. Not even close. Not even "based on a true story" close.
I heard the gun go off as a distant pop, quieter than a champagne cork on the far side of the restaurant. Forget about the tinkling of the brass hitting the cement. I barely heard the gun go off. I couldn't hear the guy coming behind me asking if I needed help. My ears didn't ring because of the close proximity to the mini-explosion.
I have forgotten to put my ear protection on at the firing line before and let me tell you, dang does that hurt and boy do your ears ring for a while.
Not when you do it for real, at least not for me.
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