I don't know if you caught this story so let me give you the short version before we discuss the mentally degenerative affects of Big Macs.
A McDonald's employee spilled some salt on a bunch of hamburgers. Her and a couple of ohter employees tried to "thump" the salt off and then cooked them and served them. One was served to a cop and he got sick. He returned to the McDonalds, found the employee that spilled the salt and arrested her. She was taken to jail where she bailed out for $1,000.
Where to start with this is the hard part so we'll just in chronological order.
How much do hamburgers cost McDonalds? With several gazillion sold each year, there has got to be a pretty good bulk rate discount. Knowing this, if I spilled salt on McDonalds burgers, I'd just chuck them in the garbage. McDonalds can afford to lose a box of burgers rather than risk more bad publicity or pissing off Chief Wiggums and having an employee hauled off to jail.
Fair enough. Let's move on.
If you're burger is so damn salty that it's going to make you sick, wouldn't you notice that? Wouldn't you take one bite and go, "Holy crap! What did they do, spill all the french fry salt on this thing?"? Then wouldn't you go back and get a replacement burger? Does one bite of salty hamburger really make people sick or does it just piss them off?
Do McDonalds burgers taste so bad that you can't tell that there is an extra box of salt on them? But he must have noticed or how would he have known to go back and ask who put all the salt on his burger?
He couldn't arrest her for putting salt on his burger because he can't prove intent so they are charging her with serving the burger knowing that salt was spilled on it. A supervisor was called over the spilled salt and must have made the command decision to go ahead and try sneaking them past the customers. Wouldn't it be the supervisor that would be arrested for serving the burger?
We don't know the whole story of course but doesn't this just look like an abuse of power to arrest a 20 year old girl for spilling some salt?
The idiocy doesn't end there though.
Chief Wiggums hamburger has been sent to the state crime lab for testing.
"Yo Bob, can you put a hold on the blood sample from the homicide? I need you to check the salt content of this burger."
"Ummm, why?"
"Apparently someone got sick from eating this hamburger. I need you to see if there's anything wrong with it."
"Sure thing. Let me have a look. Oh yeah, here I see the problem. This is in a McDonalds wrapper. I'm not surprised that who ever ate this got sick."
The girl made a mistake. The cop's actions are completely lame.
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