Following Mrs. Chili's lead, here's my super hero:
Umm, not sure how the program comes up with the title for the comic but okay.
Give it a try and leave a comment with a link to where we can find your alter ego.
Bex: 10 points
Capital One: 5 points
Cele: 5 points
Cherise: 30 points
C.L. Hanson: 5 points
PTE Rick: 25 points
Cynthia Bagley: 10 points
Dan D: 20 points
EditorMum: 45 points
Erik: 5 points
Graeme: 5 points
Jesus Christ: 5 points
John: 5 points
Lynette: 10 points
Mark: 45 points
Mark Vane: -5 points
mmebrady: 5 points
Mrs. Chili: 40 points
RateLadder: 5 points
Rhiia: 5 points
Sideon: 5 points
Sister Mary Lisa: 5 points
Tim H.: 5 points
V: 15 points
Wry Catcher: 15 points
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