Another common theme running ahead of Obama taking office is the "I hope Obama gets it" theme from people who do get it. There are people out here in the world that understand what's going on and have possible solutions to the problems and they are fervently praying that Obama also understands the problems and will come up with a solution.
Does this seem as delusional to you as it does to me?
While Bush may be an idiot of a butt-puppet, Obama is not. It's my firm belief that Obama is a butt-puppet but he's not an idiot.
On top of that, he has surrounded himself with some of the most connected people in the country. These are people that know what is going on and who know what the answers are. Surely, these people have told Obama what needs to be done.
Our corporate media*, of course, tries to help Obama out**. That's what they are paid to do and as good propagandists, they do what they are paid to do. We, the mere mortals of the country, are told that the problems of this country are too complex for our little minds. These problems need to be left to our politicians who somehow are smarter than we are. All we can do is hope that the problem isn't too hard for them to figure out. Let's pray for them.
Some of these "hope" comments come from intelligent people who, without any special training other than the ability to read and think, know that the government's answers (of which Obama has and will take part in) have been the exact opposite of what we need.
To hope that Obama gets it is nothing more than denial. Obama gets it. His advisers get it. They know what *should* be done. He just isn't doing it. It's not a lack of intelligence or knowledge. It's a lack of patriotism and integrity. He's selling the American people down the road for his own personal profit.
What these people are really hoping for, I think, is that they didn't vote for another criminal. They hope they didn't fall for fake rah-rah superpowers. They hope they weren't duped by a guy who built up their hope for change to a record level. They had given up on the government ever doing what's right and then Obama came along with his "Yes we can" and renewed their hope in a government For The People. Now their hope is that their hope doesn't die a cruel death.
* I have previously called the major media sources Main Stream Media (MSM). I read an article recently that was making fun of bloggers like me for being harsh of the MSM because in his view bloggers were now the MSM. He thought it was funny that we were being hard on ourselves. I disagree with his view because I think that people still get most of their news from the TV and sites like CNN and MSNBC. I do believe that we are headed that way though so I'm changing the name I'll be using for the propaganda machine to "corporate media".
** As a continuation of my last post and an example of how the media plays along, here's an opening paragraph from an article yesterday:
"Faced with hiring a new administration, President-elect Barack Obama is learning how hard it is to keep his promise to avoid aides who have been entangled with the capital's lobbying scene."
Really? Is it really that hard?
He has hired at least 34 lobbyists into positions where they won't have to lobby anymore. They can just make the changes directly. How convenient and money saving is that for the companies who previously had to shell out lobby money and bribes?
In a country of 300 million people with skyrocketing unemployment, Mr. Hope and Change can't find 34 people who aren't lobbyists to hire?
You have to know that he can obviously hire honest people if he wanted to and that the media could report honestly on that fact if they wanted to. Obama isn't paid to be honest or bring about change and our media is paid to try and keep the illusion going that it's just too hard to make good decisions when you're the president.
Let's hope that the guy who sarcastically thinks blogs are the Main Stream Media turns out to be right and that more people start to question the reporting abilities of our Corporate Media. The more mere mortals that we have that can read and think, the better our odds of turning this country around.
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