<--- This picture looks so wrong to me.
Anyway, I need to correct some misinformation and admit a change in stance.
First, the rumor about the government taking everyone's 401k is an exaggeration. The thought that was thrown around was to take the government's tax incentive part of the 401k plan and use that to build a new retirement system. I would think that it's not likely to happen because we already have a retirement system that has failed. Why start over?
I was accused of drinking Kool-aid for falling for the rumor. To me, drinking the Kool-aid means ignoring telling signs in order to see what you want. While I admit that since Obama is a lying sack, it's easy for me to believe bad news about him, I did check with my 401k guy to see if it was just a rumor. He gets paid to know the truth of these things so if I took any Kool-aid, it was a sip.
Speaking of Mr. Hope and Change, there's a whole group of people who are now realizing that they have been quaffing the Kool-aid - His supporters. Every week another campaign promise gets dumped on the side of the road on his way to Washington. I'm not going to list them all out here. You're probably well aware of them. I'll just point out the one that seems to have His supporters up in arms the most.
Mr. Change is appointing the same ole, same ole Washington insiders to posts. The people know the government is wrong, wrong, wrong, and from the blogs and articles that I've read, it appears that what His supporters wanted most was Change. That's what they were Hoping for and now it is apparent they aren't going to get it. Some are pissed and some are just disappointed.
Obama is trying to use his rah-rah superpowers to sell it to the country in this way: these experienced people have a "new vision."
The day that Hillary Clinton has a new vision is the day my blog wins a Pulitzer Prize.
My change of stance concerns the equation for weight management. I've long put forward that calories in minus calories out equals weight. I later threw sleep into the equation and now I would like to add in "beliefs".
Calories in minus calories out plus sleep minus beliefs equals weight.
From teaching my early morning class and visiting with people, I believe that you can do everything right and still not achieve the results that you want. Your beliefs and emotions are strong enough to over-ride the basic equation.
Luckily, it is possible to change your beliefs and emotions so you are still in control of the outcome. It just may take some looking around to find the answer.
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