Welcome to a brief pity party. Everyone needs one now and then, I suppose although I abhor them, especially from me.
So I was typing up a post about trying to change my tone from frustrated to funny when there was a huge crash.
I went to the living room to find that Trey had knocked over the Christmas tree. For his own protection, I sent him to his room while cleaned up. The tree topper was shattered. I should have sent me to my room. I ended up cutting my hand while trying to clean up the broken glass.
I was vacuuming up the rest of the glass, looking hard for bits of shinyness on a carpet that looks like somone used my living room as a quicky-lube for 10 years before turning it into the front room of a house.
Tia and I have talked about trying to change our surroundings to match how we feel inside but when things like this happen, I can't help but think, "What' the point?"
Our old couch looked our carpet. My mom gave us her couch when she upgraded. Immediately, the dog ate the corners off the throw-pillows.
Tia put up a Christmas tree on Friday and it's destroyed on Sunday.
Right now, it seems like an uphill battle just keeping things from getting worse. Making things better? Fogedaboudit.
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