He came into the election process as the front runner, the guy that was going to go head to head with Hillary Clinton and lose. Do you think he's going to just step down or do you think that when he loses the nomination, he'll attempt a third party bid for the White House?
If he does that, will he take votes away from Ron Paul and ruin Paul's chances against Hillary? Will he be a spoiler?
If Rudy wants the Republicans to win the White House, he'd be better off throwing his support behind Ron Paul. He has vowed that he won't do it but he has absolutely no chance of winning if he runs on his own. Third party candidates aren't allowed to win under the current system. What's his other choice? Endorse a Democrat?
I know I'm being a little presumptuous here because there's no guarantee that Hillary is going to win the nomination. Oprahama might be able to get enough people energized and out to vote that Hillary could lose. That would be unfortunate because I think that Ron Paul would have a harder time winning against Obama than he would against Hillary.
Harder but not impossible. Look at both Hillary's and Obama's themes and see how they compare when they go up against Ron Paul.
Hillary says she's the voice of experience. Unfortunately, against Ron Paul, that works against her because he is also very experienced. Not as the spouse of a politician but as an actual honest-to-goodness politician.
"I'm not a politician but I play one on TV," she might as well be saying in her word fights with Obama.
Not only that but Ron Paul has been consistent and honest his entire time as a politician. Despite Hillary's Christmas present to the voters in Iowa of being warm and friendly for two weeks, in the end everyone knows that Hillary is cold, manipulative, and sells her votes to the highest bidder. In that sense, experience works against her and for Ron Paul. She would have to come up with a completely new strategy when she faced someone with actual experience.
Let's face it. No one agrees 100% with Ron Paul's positions but everyone absolutely loves the fact that he's honest. It's something that Americans can get behind. You know what he stood for 20 years ago. You know what he stands for today. You know what he'll stand for after he takes office regardless of what BigPharma, Big Oil, and Wall Street offer him.
Ron Paul debating with Hillary Clinton would be like throwing water on the witch.
"I'm melting. I'm meltinngg. I'm meltinnnnnggggggg."
Everything that is false about her would be washed away and there would be nothing left.
Obama on the other hand seems to have gained more trust from Democratic supporters. There is more of a belief that he will follow through and do what he says or at least try and that's what would make him a more difficult opponent for Ron Paul.
His platform is change. He's going to be the fresh face and the new perspective. Hillary's experience makes her more of a borg, assimilated into the political machinery to the point where she has no thoughts of her own. Obama is Locutus, able to be part of the system but able to think for himself as well.
My knowledge of Obama's positions is small but based on the last debate that I watched, I don't see much change in Obama's future. If you were the last one asked a question in the debate, you had to think of some interesting way to say the same thing that the other five Democratic candidates had already said. The two people who would have actually said something different weren't allowed to participate in the debate.
Contrast that with Ron Paul who is a proponent of real change. Obama wants to tweak the system and call it a change. Ron Paul wants to *change* the entire system. Let's face it, it's why the Old Media isn't giving him coverage. If Obama was for true sweeping change, we wouldn't be hearing about how he's closing the gap with Hillary. The people that own the traditional media outlets don't want change.
That's why we have a one-party system under the guise of having two sides and why some candidates get national media coverage for going to church and riding in helicopters and other candidates that want to stop special interest groups from buying politicians barely get a blip on the radar even after raising six million dollars in a single day.
Ron Paul also has the ability to pull support from Democrats. Hillary won't be getting any support from Republicans and Obama won't be getting much, if any. The Republicans are lucky to have Ron Paul on their side and they need to convince Rudy not to break the party. When he loses the nomination, he needs to support his party and help Ron Paul present a strong unified base against Hillary. Most people agree that having Hillary as the President would be disastrous for this country so Rudy should suck up his pride and do the right thing. I know it's tough to go from being the default Republican candidate to losing but this isn't about Rudy. It's about America and what's best for this country. I hope that he doesn't run as a third party candidate out of spite and instead endorses Ron Paul.
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