Ron Paul leads the Republicans in terms of supporter activity and campaign donations and yet the obsomedia refuses to acknowledge him. They aren't offering excuses anymore and are just not covering him the way they would any other social phenomenon of this size.
The people who run the TV stations and newspapers are probably pounding their heads against their desk each night. Not the owners of the companies but the people responsible for trying to get viewers. The "Ron Paul Effect" has been well established online. If you want to increase viewers, talk about Ron Paul. Everything in their advertiser-gathering blood is telling them to discuss Ron Paul but they have orders to black out the Congressman as much as possible. You know that blood pressure pill prescriptions have shot up this December.
On December 16th, the Ron Paul campaign broke the all time one day fundraising record when the Revolution donated over $6 million in a 24 hour period. The following day, the Old Media was rather lackluster in their reporting of such a momentous and unheard of event.
I reported my personal experience of the day after the Tea Party HERE and it was very well received by readers. Many of you left comments and I didn't have time to respond on the 17th. I'd like to take some time now to respond to the comments of that day because I appreciate your input so much.
Before I get to the Mailbag, as they say on Old Media as they reach for letters that have been pre-sorted so that all Ron Paul questions have already been placed in the garbage, I'd like to share a video with you. Some time ago, I mentioned that Ron Paul supporters would start showing up where other candidates were doing "meet the people" pieces so that they could wave signs in the background. If the obsomedia won't come to Ron Paul, Ron Paul supporters will come to the media. Here's the funniest example that I have seen so far. Rudy is late in arriving and they are trying to report on it with dozens of Ron Paul people waving signs and yelling in the back. They do find one Rudy supporter to interview. Is it me or does his answer sound like it was recently memorized from a script?
Let's get to the comments.
First, to everyone that left comments that they found the post accurate and funny, I sincerely thank you. One of the things that I aim for in my writing is getting laughs out of people. Thank you for letting me know that I was successful and that you still found the information valuable.
I lived in rural Utah for many years and tried to get out to the county rodeo each year (I know, weird for this city boy but anyway . . .). When a cowboy would get bucked off of 2,000 pounds of merciless beef before the 8 seconds was up, the announcer would say, "Give 'im a round of applause because that's all he's getting tonight." That's how it feels with blogging at times and your encouraging comments make me want to keep on posting.
Next, I have to bump Cherise to the front of the line because she's a long-time commenter here.
I thought you and Ron were maybe breaking up! :) Great blog and great comments following it! :)
No way! Ron Paul and I are tight! Well, he doesn't know who I am but I'm sticking with him anyway. His policies address so many of my economic concerns that you'll have to pull the Ron Paul vote from my cold dead hand.
I'd normally bump PTE Rick to the front of the line as well but we've been exchanging email and phone calls on Ron Paul so I'll move on to the other comments now.
A campaign like Paul's scares the media kingmakers because it bypasses them. They don't like not having full control over a candidate's image.
They have a couple of problems here because of the brown out of Ron Paul coverage. First, you're right, they don't have full control over Ron Paul's image. The Internet has changed the dynamics involved. On top of that, they can't say much about him because that would be giving him coverage. You can't avoid talking about Ron Paul and try to run a negative propaganda campaign at the same time.
Ron Paul cannot win and this I surely know.
It's true and can't be doubted, since the TV tells me so.
If Ron Paul wins a poll, then it's spam and just for show.
Should he lose, it's scientific. The TV tells me so.
Very nicely put.
The more that the unholy alliance between the mainstream media, wall street, the banking infrastructure, and what I really can't term better than the "political aristocracy", gets exposed for what it really is, the more we stand to gain.
I concur. People really need to see who's pulling the strings in their lives and pull back. The traditional news sources (Old Media or Obsomedia in my blogs) are nothing more than propaganda machines. They tell us what the uber-rich want us to know so that we will continue on with our lives. I've seen a couple references to people realizing that they are living in the Matrix, a world where reality has been decided by other people and we are just going through motions in their plan. We are the batteries for their world. That is changing and that's a great thing.
How the GOP can ignore and actually denigrate the new voters Paul is attracting is beyond me -- truly mind boggling.
It's mind boggling when you think of it in terms of "these are supposed to be news sources" or "this would attract viewers". You know, reality of TV. This obviously points to something that's more important than ratings so someone must think it's incredibly important for Rudy or Hillary to be president.
I've come to realize that the news shows on TV are nothing more than gossip sessions similar to entertainment "news" programs. They feel the only way you can keep people entertained about politics is if you talk about them like you would talk about Britney and Paris.
This one is in part the fault of the viewers. If people wouldn't watch that crap, TV stations wouldn't air it. In the case of Ron Paul breaking the all-time fundraising record though, it's obvious that they are filling air time with anything but Ron Paul.
Public airwaves radio went brain-dead in the name of cost savings and media aggregation years ago. TV is just catching up. Take CNN. Fire all the anchors with any respectability, credentials, or sense of journalistic purpose. Replace them with air-headed bimbos and wannabes who work for peanuts and think working on CNN is their big break towards an appearance on American Idol. Voila!
I recently read a piece on how news outlets were using models for their mouthpieces. You no longer have to be a journalist. You just need to be good looking and able to read a teleprompter. It's all fluff now.
"[I] went to my computer and left a message on CNN's site letting them know that I will never watch their stupid show ever again." Good Stuff, but maybe here's a better idea. Call or e-mail CNN or whomever and tell them that you are going to keep watching their show to see who there advertisers are so you know whose products not to buy. [snip] Then use your saved money to donate to Ron Paul and get out of debt (if you have any).
I buy so little that it's not much of a threat. On the other hand, I only watch a couple hours of TV a week (Heroes and Journeyman) so CNN lost the only time they were going to get from me. TV stations are finding themselves in a crunch right now because of the writer's strike and the Internet. They need viewers to generate revenue from advertisers. They are paying back large sums of money this month because they aren't hitting their target numbers. Every viewer they lose costs them money. Turn the TV off and tell them what they need to do to win you back as a viewer. Do this in every area of your life. I sent an email to the guy that sold me my last car and told him to call me when he had a plug-in hybrid and I'd come buy one. We can't act like sheep and then be outraged when we get sheared. Customers dictate the course with the dollars they spend. If people would be more picky, we would get better quality products and information.
I'm almost debt free and will be donating to the Ron Paul campaign again on New Year's Eve to help push his 4th quarter numbers as high as possible.
This is a good article. This is just one phase of the msm scheme to stop Ron Paul, however. The real action will be the vote fraud. The machines are nearly everywhere. They will finish him off, but it is essential that the apathetic public believe the results - so the phony polls - supported by the poor coverage. The only cure for this is tho stay active during the actual voting.
This is the next stage. We need to make sure that the election isn't stolen from us. You know that the powers that be aren't going to just shrug and say, "well, it's the will of the people." This is going to be a struggle all the way up to the Inauguration.
Again, I would like to thank everyone who left comments and have passed my article on to others. For people who have reproduced it on other sites, the only thing I ask is that you attach my name to the article and/or link back to the original post.
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