After the debate yesterday which I watched on line, I actually turned on the TV to what the obsomedia had to say about the event. I watched CNN's Situation Room because I like Jack Cafferty. He says what he thinks and seems to have quite a bit of common sense. I make that statement based on the 60 seconds that he gets every 15 minutes. It's not much to go on but it's all I've got until I read his book.
Anyway, the big question of the debate is why is Huckabee racing up the polls in Iowa? Secondary is the question of why he's not going up in other polls. The poor pundits seem stumped and I guess no one has given them my phone number yet.
How does one cute comment about Jesus not getting into politics push Huckabee right to the top in two weeks? How did that one debate translate into better results than Rudy's name recognition and Mitt's multi-million dollar ad campaign.
It doesn't.
There. Quit pretending that this is all so shocking and such a mystery.
For the pundits that aren't part of the subterfuge, I'll explain. Though if a political analyst neophyte like me has to explain this to you, you might want to look for a new job.
Huckabee was slated to be an also-ran in this campaign and now there's big hype. It happened in an astounding couple of weeks. Nothing seems to have changed and the only cause we have is that "he's likable". It's not enough to explain the astonishing change so we have to look somewhere else.
Mitt and Rudy remain viable candidates only as long as Ron Paul is kept quiet. Mitt is a NeoCon and Rudy is a Democrat and it's going to be hard for either of them to win the Republican nomination if there is a Republican running against them. As bad luck would have it, there is. As good luck would have it, the obsomedia does not want Ron Paul as the president. He would end so many policies the protect corporations that the super rich of this country probably get a nervous quiver in their lip every time Ron Paul is mentioned on TV (unless it's to make him sound like a nut).
The Ron Paul obsomedia black out itself was starting to get press and air time. That won't do so Shazam! A shooting star is created out of thin air (just like American money) so that the obsomedia can say that they aren't blacking out Ron Paul but are instead reporting on this sensational news story unfolding in Iowa. The seeds have already been planted to undo the sensation and when the elite are done with Huckabee, his media support will plummet (just like the value of American money).
In the same reports that show that Huckabee has this amazing new support, we get reports that he's more than likely going to raise taxes just like he always has, he has "attacked" the Mormon church and Mitt Romney, and even though Iowan undecided voters (all 21 of them) like Huckabee better, they think Rudy is going to be the president.
That's a plethora of stories to report on that have absolutely nothing to do with Ron Paul and yet can be spun as support for Rudy and Mitt. Everything that you could want is right there if you're pushing for a Rudy vs. Hillary election. At least on the Rudy side. From the looks of things, there needs to be a lot of manipulation on the Democratic side if they want to keep Hillary as the nominee but that's a different story and one that I don't know much about.
Huckabee is built up quickly, surprisingly, because he's a nice guy. Do we want a nice guy for president or do we want a strong leader (like the guy who bravely lead New York after a devastating attack - like any other mayor would have quit, hid under his bed curled in a ball, crying that it was too hard)?
Huckabee talks with a Mormon "expert" for two hours and the one comment out of all that talking that makes it to the media over and over is the question of whether or not Mormons believe that Jesus and Satan are brothers. Do we give the same air time to Rudy's Google searches for "great places to take your mistress on the government's dime"? Okay, maybe. The point is, we don't put down every question or Internet search these guys ask but this question is prime time. It's a great question because it accomplishes two things. This race is not supposed to be about religion and Huckabee has said so. Now, he's "attacking" the Mormon church with his curious question so it paints him as a hypocrite, a mud-slinger, and bringing religion into the debate.
It's a valid question though and serves the purpose of casting more doubt on Mitt Romney because of his cult beliefs. Apparently the rest of the world doesn't know that Jesus and Satan are both sons of God and Mitt is going to be seen as being weird for his beliefs. Mitt is trying to keep the Mormon religion out of the limelight because it's going to be seen as too far out there for most people. Huckabee did a little blurb about how a guy who isn't proud of his faith can't be trusted so Mitt's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. We can't trust a guy who is ashamed of his religion but we also can't trust a guy that is from a cult with bizarre secret rituals.
Then there are the weird results given that people in Iowa like Huckabee better and think that he did better in the debate but they think that Rudy will win the nomination. If Huckabee has the overwhelming support that the polls are showing, shouldn't that carry on? And why Rudy? Huckabee is #1 in Iowa and Mitt is #1 in New Hampshire. There's no clear leader in Michigan or Nevada and Huckabee is leading in South Carolina. Why would people think that Rudy is going to win? Why wouldn't the media point out that Rudy is unlikely to win? Even nationally, Rudy's trend is down and has been down for a long time. Huckabee and Romney are on the rise.
The reason they don't report on Rudy's decline is because it's temporary. Huckabee is a strawman, hastily put together as an excuse to avoid talking about Ron Paul and to further highlight Mitt's weird religion. Rudy's chances are dropping but Huckabee will be torn apart as quickly as he was put together and Mitt will be taken out of the picture with him. By discrediting Mitt and ignoring Ron Paul with the pretend strength of Huckabee, Rudy will be left alone at the top.
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