I had to share this with you. I just watched a news clip from my buddies at that fair and balanced news source. In that story, they called Ron Paul a sleeper candidate. What planet do you have to be living on to in the news world to call Ron Paul a sleeper candidate? There are groups around the world that are organizing to back Ron Paul because of his non-intervention and sound money policies.
The fact that you refuse to cover the biggest grassroots movement of the 2008 presidential election does not make him a sleeper. It makes you a sleeper. Cut down on the narcotics and increase your journalistic efforts.
Compete.com rates traffic to candidates websites and thinks that number of hours spent at different candidates websites is a good indicator of the exposure they are getting. Care to see the chart?
Let's look at the poll results that we have up to this point in the SWB Hay Poll (Hey! What the hell? Everyone else has a poll.).
Remember, we have three categories that we are judging candidates: how we see them, how we hear them, and what we feel about them.
On the Democratic side the results to date are:
Best looking - 1. Edwards. 2. Obama. 3. Kucinich.
Best orator - 1. Obama. 2. Clinton. 3. Kucinich.
Conveys integrity the best - 1. Kucinich. 2. Gravel. 3. Clinton.
For the Republicans, we have:
Best looking - 1. Paul. 2. Romney. 3. Huckabee. (Who let the Ron Paul people vote?)
Best orator - 1. Paul. 2. Huckabee. 3. Guiliani.
Conveys integrity the best - 1. Paul (43 votes). 2. Huckabee (1 vote). 3. No one else got any votes. I suspect that Huckabee has been to my blog. How cool is that?
Disclaimer: This P90X review is just one guy's journey through another 90 days or more to see what happens. Your results will probably be different based on any number of things (diet, intensity, other activities) and you should be healthy enough for hard workouts before you start this program.
Sunday: I started out the day with the Ab Jam program from the Turbo Jam set. It was completely different from P90X but I worked my abs. Who would have thought there were that many different ways to hit your abs?
In the afternoon, I did half of the P90X Legs and Back DVD. My wife came home from work early so I stopped halfway through so we could visit. Usually on Sundays we tag-team on Trey. I walk out the door to work as she walks in the door to work. When she came home early, I finished half the program and then stopped so that we could visit.
I thought that I could finish when I came home from work if I felt up to it. I didn't feel up to it and it was only going to get worse.
On August 6th, 1945, the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. It was an act of violence that changed the world and the way people thought from that point on. 48 years later to the day, I was involved in an act of violence on a much smaller scale that nevertheless changed me and the way I thought from that point on.
There's a saying that cops involved in shootings will be out of law enforcement within 5 years. Some quit, some get fired, and some kill themselves. One way or another, they get out.
That first week, I seriously considered quitting law enforcement but it didn't make much sense. The damage had been done. If I didn't want to be in a shooting, I should have quit the week before. It would be the equivalent of tightening up lending standards so that even good risks had trouble getting a loan after the housing bubble burst. Too late and not the appropriate response. I decided that I would just stick it out and stay a cop.
I have concluded after living through this event that there are three things that cause the 5 year theory.
A San Francisco GOP group canceled its straw poll because there were too many Ron Paul people there. That's fine, because it's the same result either way and canceling actually gains more publicity.
The thing is, if Straw polls don't matter, why schedule them? If they don't matter and it's obvious who's going to win, why not hold them anyway?
The whole thing seems silly. They should stop doing polls and maybe cancel the election for fear that Ron Paul supporters might show up and vote.
A Ron Paul supporter recently was polled by IMC on who he thought would win. Ron Paul wasn't one of the choices but there was an "other" category. There was also a "don't call me anymore" choice. The supporter pushed "other" and received the message that he would be taken off the calling list.
Will the Ron Paul campaign get to the point where this kind of trickery is no longer used or will the Primaries get here soon enough that it will all pay off for Rudy McRomney?
I read an interesting thing on Zogby about the "scientific" polls. Only 6-16% of the people called take the poll. Most people just hang up on the people taking the polls.
Supposedly 51% of Americans have heard of Ron Paul now. That's a good sign but is it enough with only a few weeks left before voting starts. On the other hand, I've heard speculation that this year will be a record year for Primary and Caucus turnout and you know why. I'll be going to a Caucus for the first time in my life and I think it's the same for a lot of people.
Mitt gave his "I'm a Mormon" speech today and said that he wouldn't allow the leaders of the Mormon church to sway his decisions. That's a lie obviously because anyone that wants to be a good member of their church follows the "guidance" of their religious leaders. Another religious politician that lies is not what this post is about. It's the truth that I'm more interested in and Huckabee hit the bullseye when he was asked about Mitt being a Mormon:
"It has nothing to do with what faith a person has — it's whether or not that person's life is consistent with how he lives it," Huckabee said Thursday on NBC's "Today." "If I had actions that were completely opposite of my Christian faith, then I would think people would have reason to doubt if this part of my life, which is supposed to be so important, doesn't influence me."
He says so much in so few words. First, he says what I have already said. If you're going to be a Christian, you have to follow Christian ways no matter what job you're doing. Even if you're the President of the United States of America, you will be expected to follow Christian doctrine if you want to go on claiming to be a good Christian.
Second, Christian belief is founded on loving other people and living in peace. Something that neither Mitt or Huckabee practice and it makes them untrustworthy. If a person believes in something so vital, so important, so dear, as a belief in a supreme being and a life after death for all those people that follow the teaching of Jesus Christ, and they go against those teachings, what does it say about them?
Either they don't actually believe in Jesus Christ and his teachings or they do believe but go against the teachings intentionally and openly.
Either way, it speaks volumes about these two candidates, and any other candidate that preaches about Christ and then promotes war and torture. It almost makes it look like the only reason they are bringing up Christ is to gain the votes of Christians. I don't know if that's in the bible but invoking Christ's name while going against his teachings with the sole purpose of winning an election sounds like a sin to me.
Each week, we spend some time cleaning and sorting in preparation for our eventual move. My wife was going through her cedar chest and came across tons of pictures. I'm posting some here so you can see a few glimpses of my life (and a surprise photo at the end).
Here I am at the police academy after doing a crime scene drill. I was team captain. I was always team captain except the one time that I said that I would be team captain and then I ended up taking charge once the scenario started and oddly enough ended up shooting the bad guy who charged me with a knife.
I didn't really like the academy but I really enjoyed all the other students. We had a great time and we were told that we were one of the rowdier sessions to come through. It was quite the mix of people but we all seemed to get along from the very beginning.
I was going to comment on this after the CNN Corporate Candidate YouTube Ad (known to them as a debate) but have gone on some other tangents and I won't likely be back. I need to write the next August 6th installment which was going to be for today but I'm drastically short on time.
The media and many candidates either haven't figured it out or they believe that people that watch TV don't use the Internet, like you have to be loyal to one or the other. Anything you say on TV can and will be used against you on the Internet.
CNN planted a question at the debate to make Ron Paul look crazy for believing that there are plans for a North American Union and a NAFTA Super-Highway. That ploy only works if you don't look on line or, even more funny, if you don't watch CNN which reports on the progress of the NAU and the Super-Highway.
I don't have time so I'm going to use this clip to demonstrate. The clip has some problems with it and the date for the donations listed is wrong (it's December 16th), but this points out well enough what I'm saying.
Does a smear campaign get anymore obvious or anymore stoopid? Do they really think they have dumbed down Americans that much that we don't go, "but didn't you just say . . ."
The video appears to have been take off of YouTube for some unknown reason. Click the link below the December 16th banner for any updates.
Disclaimer: This P90X review is just one guy's journey through another 90 days or more to see what happens. Your results will probably be different based on any number of things (diet, intensity, other activities) and you should be healthy enough for hard workouts before you start this program.
I had to get back into my exercise routine for a couple of reasons. I can feel my gut creeping back out and I have run out of excuses. I thought about using the "crazy holiday schedule" excuse (it's public domain) but it really is over-used in my book and I didn't want to jump on that wagon. Without coming up with any innovative excuses, I didn't have any choice but to start exercising again.
I'm going to be doing P90X Doubles. What that means is that I will be doing P90X (in my fashion) and doing an extra cardio workout in the day as well. Two workouts every day with the hope of losing fat twice as fast.
Mitt Romney apparently bought a straw poll in Florida. From what I've read, this wasn't against the rules so it's not a big deal. I almost feel bad for the guy. I don't know him personally so all I have is what I read and see and I can't bring myself to feel bad for a guy that wants 2 Git-mos.
It's just got to suck for him. He entered this thing thinking his biggest obstacle was overcoming a guy who is 9/11 to hide his mafia-like brand of government. Mitt's a tall, clean cut, articulate Christian who spent something like $17 million of his own money to get name recognition early in the race. Things look like they might be going well and then, fetch* it all, Ron Paul's message goes viral.
This guy starts winning straw poll after straw poll without spending any money. He's putting all his money in the bank to make a strong statement during the 4th quarter. Then it gets worse. The Ron Paul Revolution gives the campaign more money in 2 months than any of the "top tier" candidates got in the 3 months of the 3rd quarter (yes, they managed to pass Rudy's mark yesterday).
When the opportunity came where it was okay to buy a straw poll, you just can't blame the guy. Some Ron Paul supporters supposedly bought extra tickets for extra votes too and here's where the sting comes back. Supposedly Mitt bought the tickets for his supporters, Ron Paul didn't. Did his parents tie a pork chop around his neck so the dog would play with him or was he more likable when he was a kid?
* For those of you not familiar with the dialect of the peculiar people, "Fetch" is the Mormon equivalent to the f-bomb.
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