I watched the Democratic debate today. Since deciding to vote for Ron Paul, I haven't paid too much attention to the Democrats except for what has been rammed down our throats by the obsomedia (Hillary and Oprah). I don't consider myself to be a member of any party although sometimes the rules make it so that you have to at least pretend to be in one of the parties. I registered as a Republican when I was Tinytown because the mayoral election was between 3 Republicans and no one else. Who ever one the nomination won the election. I registered as a Republican this time so that I could vote for Ron Paul in the Nevada caucus. It's the only way to vote in Nevada. I like New Hampshire's law where you don't have to jump through the hoop to be part of the Primary. We talk about the United States of America but we divide it as much as we can and even force the issue during election time. Anyway . . .
The moderator had learned some lessons from the Republican fiasco and the whole debate went much smoother. The candidates were given more time and there were fewer of them because Kucinich and Gravel weren't allowed to participate (ironic for me*). They all got along well and put on their best behavior for the voters of Iowa.
They all answered the questions they were given and gave pretty good answers, I thought. It was a completely different atmosphere from watching the Republican debate. If I wasn't voting for Ron Paul, I'd be voting for one of these guys.
Not that I would but if I had to make my choice from just watching this one debate, I'd be going for Edwards or Richardson.
CNN (Clinton Nomination Nonpareil) is obviously still going for Hillary.
I visited the CNN website some time ago when I was checking out candidates and reported back then that just from one visit to their site, it was obvious they were pimping Hillary. I hadn't been back to their site until today when I visited to send Jack Cafferty an attaboy.
I did watch their post-debate show though and that's how I know things haven't changed. The first two clips they showed after the debate were of Hillary Clinton, the first interview with an "undecided" voter was a guy that is going to vote for Hillary, they interviewed Dodd and asked him about Hillary, and they interviewed Biden and asked him about Hillary and Obama.
Biden's answer was classic. He was asked who was more likely to make the changes that the people were demanding, Hillary or Obama. Biden said neither. If he thought that either one was the best choice, he wouldn't be running for president and would support the one he thought was best. Beautiful answer.
Wolf didn't give up though and kept bringing questions back around to Hillary but Biden wasn't playing along so instead Wolf asked Biden what he thought about steroids in baseball. Nice strategy. Ask questions about Hillary and if the candidate won't play along, ask about anything except Biden. Let's not bring any extra attention to Biden or Dodd when it's Hillary that we're pushing on the American people.
Speaking of pushing a candidate, let me take a brief Republican break. Mitt Romney is in the process of buying Clear Channel Communications which means he will own over a thousand radio stations, 12 satellite radio stations, and 30 TV stations. He's going to be able to do some serious self-pimping if this deal goes through. It would be nice to have 20 million dollars to buy up a huge communication network if you were running for president.
On the other side of that, ABC did an in-depth interview with Ron Paul where they calmly asked him questions and let him explain himself. They will not be putting that interview on TV. They have made it available on line for those people who hear about it through the grapevine. MSNBC is doing a series called "Meet the Candidates" in which they do stories on Obama, Hillary, Edwards, Dodd, Biden, Richardson, Huckabee, McCain, Thompson, and Rudy.
Back to the Democrats and CNN. The Situation Room has TVs running in the background all the time and most of the time Hillary was on the screen even when they were talking about Edwards. This stuff isn't even subtle. If you didn't know CNN's habit, you would think that someone had missed a cue to change what was on the screen.
Hillary lost one of her campaign people because he intimated that if Obama did drugs as a teenager, what's to day that he's not selling crack in his spare time now? The guy planted the seed and then left the campaign.
I don't know much about the Democrats but I noticed two things that Hillary stole from Obama. All of the sudden, she isn't the voice of experience but she'll work hard for change. The other thing she did was ask the people of Iowa to stand up for her and she would stand up for them. I believe that Obama has a slogan or made the "stand-up" thing a major part of one of his speeches. I'm pretty sure I've seen something on YouTube from him where that was the theme. Many of them also talked about adhering to the Constitution and undoing the illegal laws that King George has put in place (thank you Ron Paul).
I would really need to look into the candidates to come to a solid conclusion but based on this debate, it would be a completely different problem than picking a Republican candidate. If there were no Ron Paul, you'd be looking for the one that didn't suck the loudest. With the Democrats, you'd have to pick the one that you thought would follow through and do the best job. Like I said, I don't know how I would feel if I had followed them like I have with the Republicans and knew more about them but today they all looked good.
Democratic voters have the same problem that Republican voters though in just to get information on their candidate spread to the rest of the country through TV and newspapers. Hillary is probably the worst choice out of all of them but that's who the media wants. I can't say that Rudy is the worst but I can say that he's the least Republican but that's who the media wants. Rudy vs. Hillary, it's been from the start. Edwards and Obama are gaining some ground but it's tough and I hope that Democrats can yank the choice out of obsomedia's hand. If it comes down to Rudy and Hillary, I won't be voting.
There was some talk about the spinelessness of the Democratic run Congress. They are blaming the Republicans for stonewalling and are hoping that the American people will vote a Democrat in as president and more Democrats into Congress. Yes, the Republicans are blocking some things but that doesn't explain why the Democrats are rolling over like good lap dogs and giving King George a trillion dollars for his dreams of world domination. If the Republicans can stop a $12 billion children's health care plan from going through, the Democrats should be able to stop $190 billion dollars from being spent on our invasion and occupation next year. They won't though. They are counting on people being more pissed at Republicans for being strong than Democrats for being weak. That's a dangerous bet.
So, there's my look at Democrats from watching one debate and catching some YouTube action here and there.
* When I decided to take a look at the presidential candidates, I took a poll that listed different issues and told me which candidates seemed to a good match for me. I took a couple of different ones and the results were very similar. My top 3 were Gravel, Kucinich, and Paul. Gravel was first both times and Kucinich and Paul swapped places on the two different quiz results. Following those three were the rest of the Democrats and then the Republicans. Gravel and Kucinich are being run out of the race and the obsomedia is trying to do the same to Ron Paul except that he has lucked out and gained a Revolutionary force behind him. There is some speculation that he will raise more money in the fourth quarter than even corporate financed Hillary has done. Wouldn't that be something?
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