Let's start with Saturday.
Saturday started off very well and then during karate training (it's not really Karate but for simplicity sake I call it that), I was injured. I didn't think much of it but something in my throat was damaged and still hurts today. I don't know if that has anything to do with the next couple of days but it was something very noteable that happened where there was a very distinct before and after feeling.
In fact, I ended up coming home from work a couple hours early that night because I just didn't feel well.
Sunday started off with the same feeling and I didn't get much done but by Sunday night, I felt much better. I thought I was on the mend but looking back now, feeling how I feel today physically, it was probably the Excedrin (generic brand, of course).
Monday. Ahh Monday. I had been fighting to keep going even though I was feeling like I was burning out and Monday I completely changed direction. I didn't do a damn thing. That's not entirely true but in comparison to what I usually do, that's what it felt like. I also didn't exercise and dropped my normal eating habits for the day. I had a couple pieces of pizza for dinner and some toffee popcorn for dessert.
We watched the first half of Monday Night Football and then switched over to Heroes. Can I say that the Hynundai commercial is incredibly stupid? I don't get it. And the other commercial that they showed 3 times in a row. I don't remember what they were advertising but I was like, "okay, enough already". If I remember who the advertiser was, I am going to purposely not buy what they were selling because they were too damn annoying.
I don't normally watch TV. There are a couple of reasons. First, I'd much rather be reading and writing. Second, I absolutely detest commercials. I feel like they are stealing my time. I don't think I have been amused by commercials since the chameleon and the Budweiser frogs.
Rogue. That was the annoying commercial. Is it Nissan? It was pointed out in a very subtle way in Heroes, "I get the Rogue!? You are the best dad ever!" Then they went on to show 3 Rogue commercials back to back later. I will never buy a Rogue and I will probably never buy a Nissan just for pissing me off.
I need a DVR.
We don't have one because Dish pissed me off. I guess that's today's theme and I should change the picture for today.
If you're a brand new customer, you get a DVR for free. If you have been a customer for a couple of years, paying your subscription on time every month, they don't need to entice you to join up so they charge you 50 bucks for a DVR. So, we don't have one.
Someday we may just give in or maybe someday they'll want the few extra bucks from us. We'll see who can hold out the longest. Right now, my money is on me because TV just isn't important enough to me.
Tuesday brought about much happier news.
It has turned colder and Trey didn't have any clothes that fit other than shorts so we had a trip planned into the city. Timed perfectly, my youngest daughter moved back to Utah the same day. We went into town and hooked Trey up with plenty of clothes for the winter plus picked up some supplies for some Christmas gifts that I can't go into detail about here.
Then we met my daughters, their aunt and her partner, and my granddaughter for dinner. It has been a couple of years since I've been with all my kids at the same time. We had a great visit and hopefully it was the first of many. Trey and Bella (granddaughter) were very well behaved for as long as we sat and visited.
We didn't get home until late because we ended up visiting more after dinner. There is so much more to this story but I'll have to share it on another day. When we got home, we walked in, dumped everything in the living room, and went to bed. Taking Monday off, being gone Tuesday, dumping all the bags in the living room, I have a bit of cleaning up to do today. Plus we got the container of winter clothes down yesterday but didn't have time to do anything but grab what we were going to wear for the day so that needs to be put away as well.
When we got to bed, my wife and I visited about the turn of events that I will share with you in the future. We have long believed that if we kept doing what was right, things would turn out in a good way. It hasn't always been easy because there have been so many people fighting against me and my family. There were and still are people out there that for some reason do not want me to have a happy family. We have protected where we could and temporarily lost on some fronts only to regain at a later time. Through it all, my wife and I have been on our own. Things have changed now, the truth of things is being revealed to others, and we find ourselves with allies. Wonderful, surprising, allies.
Life is good.
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