As you know, except for this blog, I'm a fairly private person. I would say that even with this blog, I'm a fairly private person when it comes to sex. I'm going to disclothes some things today but I'm going to try to be discreet as best I can while still trying to convey the right feeling.
I'm not much into the "letting other people watch" thing. I know some people are and you can even make a fair bit of money at it if you're okay with it. "It's not my bag, baby," although no one has made a serious offer yet so depending on the amount of money we're talking about . . . (my email address is in the left sidebar and I accept PayPal).
Anyway, if you have ever owned cats and cheap blinds at the same time, you know what's coming next.
These are not my blinds and this is not my cat but they might as well be, especially if the blinds are broken on the other side as well, and in the kid's bedroom, and in the living room, and in the kitchen, and the cat is asking for more to be installed just on the wall so she can break those as well just to show that she doesn't give a cat's ass about your feelings or your property or your privacy or what out-of-pocket expenses you might have.
It was always a bit unnerving to be in the middle of - a performance - and to look up and be able to clearly see outside. Even more unnerving to look up and *not* be able to see outside but know that anyone standing out in the dark could see inside quite nicely.
And even worse than that is knowing that quite possibly there could be a whole panel of judges out there and TV coverage.
"Well, that was quite a performance, Jim. What did you think?"
"I thought it all went well but he had a problem with the dismount. Let's see how the judges scored this."
"9.2, 9.3, 9.2, the judge from France gives a 6.4. Oh, too bad Jim, it was going so well for him."
"The judge from France has been a stickler in scoring this event. Let's go next door and see our next competitor."
"Do they have cats?"
With that distinct possibility in mind (hey, it could happen - well, everything except the low score from France because I'd send the judge some wine and flowers before the event to try and sway her), I installed new blinds yesterday in the bedroom. The kind that are pretty much indescructible to cats (although I just saw her put on a hard hat and goggles and head that way with a sawsall).
In other news, have you ever come across something on the internet that you just had to immediately share? I'm not talking about that picture of Paris Hilton scratching her, uh, cat (she would probably punish her kitty for *not* breaking the blinds. "What's wrong with this cat? She never breaks the blinds."). I'm talking about hardcore news articles that have some deep meaning and importance that you just need to announce it.
I came across one yesterday that I immediately sent to my two brothers.
I'm going to give the very condensed version (so that those that aren't the first born will understand it). What this articles says is that it has been scientifically proven that the first born male in the family is the smartest. And funniest (actually I added the funniest part but take it from me, the smartest in the family, it's true).
A group of scientists, who ever-so-coincidentally are the first born males in their families, found that IQ goes down with each male that's born by about a point each time.
If you are the oldest male in your family, go ahead and send this on to all your siblings. I'm sure they will appreciate the knowledge. If you have several brothers, you may have to send the article in comic book fashion to the youngest one.
"Me smart. You dumb. Sorry, little brother."
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