Where is your hammer and what did you last use it for?
I know where my hammer is. It's on a shelf in my garage. I have several as a matter of fact for some strange reason. I'm not sure why I need 3 hammers considering that the answer to the second part of the question is, I don't know. I can't remember the last time that I used a hammer.
What is your everyday cutlery like?
It's a collection of about 3 different types that have managed to somehow come into my possession. I understand why I would have 2 types. My wife and I both brought a set into our marriage. I have no idea where the third set came into play. Not that we have one complete set of any of them. I'm pretty sure that most of my spoons are in a sandbox in Utah, left there by my youngest daughter. Spoons, apparently, are great sandbox toys. You do have to sneak them out of the house but it is possible and if you bury them, no one knows that you had them out there.
It is our goal to one day get rid of the tri-set collection and purchase one matching set but it's low on the priority list.
What are you using for a toothbrush?
That's an oddly phrased question. It makes it sound like you are using something other than a toothbrush. I have used my finger with toothpaste on rare occasions when traveling and having found that I had forgotten mine. You go with what you got until you can get to the gift shop or c-store.
If the question had been, "What kind of toothbrush do you use?", my answer would have been, "Sonicare." Love it!
How particular are you when it comes to writing implements?
I almost exclusively use Pilot's blue 0.7 G2. It's not like I quit writing when I don't have one in my hand but I can feel that something is wrong in the universe when I use something else. The only downfall that I have seen with this pen is that they don't have a left-handed version but since I'm right-handed, it's really not a problem for me. Sometimes, if you aren't using the right hand then you're using the wrong hand. Like with the G2.
What is the most use-specific tool you own?
This is a tough one because I am known for using anything at hand to get a needed job done. I can't think of anything off the top of my head that just takes one specific tool to get the job done. So far, I have used my rose clippers for only clipping roses but I wouldn't say that's their only possible use. You could, if needed, use them to cut off the fingers of people who have displeased you in some way to make an example of them. If you cut off a few fingers on their right hand, they would be unable to write with their G2 pens. That would be mean.
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