We spent the weekend in Mesquite Nevada and had a great time. I uploaded a bunch of pics to FaceBook and have absolutely no idea if this link will actually work but here it is: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=logo#/album.php?aid=81309&id=776044816
The second day there we decided to get some ice cream. Trey and Tia ordered baby scoops in waffle cones. I haven't had any ice cream since Trey's birthday and decided to splurge with two scoops of orange sherbet.
"A double," the girl helping me asked.
"Yeah, a double," I answered thinking that a double is the same things as two scoops. You know what they say about assuming.
This is a "double", which has enough ice cream in it to build an igloo. An orange igloo, mind you, but an igloo nonetheless.
I actually ate it all and eaten my yearly allotment of ice cream now.
This was just the tip of the huge orange ice cream cone as far as food went for this weekend. We completely just went with the flow eating what ever we wanted when ever we wanted. If it counts though, this ice cream cone was lunch. I can't imagine eating it for dessert.
The story about FedEx and UPS actually has nothing to do with ice cream. It has to do with my medicine ball. You may recall that I was headed into town a couple of weeks ago and I was going to pick up a medicine ball during that trip. No luck. I couldn't find what I wanted.
So I ordered it online. We order tons of stuff online and have paid the yearly fee to Amazon.com for prepaid 2-day shipping because we order enough stuff to cover that. That even covers a 15 pound medicine ball. How cool is that?
Well, it didn't show up after a couple of days. I checked the tracking and it said that the wrong address had been put on the box.
No chance.
My address is on file with Amazon and between my wife and I, we get at least one package a week (not all from Amazon) and most of them make it here (except for one from UPS, which I'll get to). When they put down that my address is wrong, it means their driver couldn't find my house.
I called them to tell them that and give instructions on how to find my house. Drive down the main road. When you get to my road, turn left. Second house on the right. It really is that easy. You can see my house from the major artery. I'm amazed when I hear that they can't find my house.
The FedEx people were much nicer than the UPS people that I had to deal with a couple of weeks ago. Nicer but I still don't have a medicine ball. It's supposed to be here today. We'll see. I have taken some extra steps to help the poor guy out.
This is a picture of the numbers on my house. They are probably medium sized letters and match the light fixture nicely. The gold on white doesn't seem to subtle to escape the attention of someone whose job it is to drive around and find addresses.
Apparently it is for a couple of people.
A couple of weeks ago, UPS called me to say that the address on the box was wrong.
Side note: At least UPS called me to let me know. FedEx didn't do anything. After a few days, I called them to see about getting my package.
** We interrupt this blog to announce that the medicine ball has arrived. The FedEx driver said that it was a relief driver on the initial delivery and was shocked to find out that FedEx threw my package into the warehouse and didn't bother to call me.
When UPS called me, I verified that they did indeed have the correct address and gave them instructions on how to find my house. A couple of hours later, some guy from UPS calls and essentially calls me a liar and says that my address can't be right. Yes, well, I've been here for 5 years, at the very same house with the very same numbers and every one except your relief driver (they had a relief driver as well that day) can find my house.
I told rude-guy to just put the package in Jeff's hands and it would get to me. Jeff is the not-relief driver. Jeff waves to me whenever he sees me out and about. Jeff has delivered packages to me at my house, at my wife's work, and even gave packages for my dad when he saw me at the grocery store. Jeff knows me, my family, where we all work, and can even find my house.
They gave the package to Jeff and Jeff gave the package to me and he couldn't understand why they had marked on my package that it was the wrong address. I explained that the guy couldn't find it. Jeff didn't understand that either. It's easy for him as often as he comes here.
I don't know the name of the regular FedEx guy. He's part ninja, I'm sure. He hits my house very early in his route, by 8:15 am. I don't know if he knocks or anything. Just slips in, drops off the package, and he's gone. I step out the door to go to work and there's a package.
Today's FedEx driver wasn't the local guy but he knew where my house was and said that the numbering system is different on this side of the main artery. I did not know that. Still, he knew where my house was.
To help out relief drivers in the future, today I put up some much bigger, not so subtle, black numbers on my white house, up high so that bushes can''t conceal it from the main road, dead center on the garage. If this doesn't work, the next step will be to get some neon from the casino and go that route.
Or they can just give the packages to Jeff and the FedEx Ninja and I won't have to worry about it.
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